:: Magazines
» What Doctors Don't Tell You Magazine
The first issue of What Doctors Don't Tell You appeared at the end of 1989. It grew from a sense of frustration with conventional medicine, and a desire to tell others about its short-comings and dangers. It was started by award-winning journalist Lynne McTaggart and her husband, Bryan Hubbard, also a senior journalist.
Lynne had suffered from a mysterious illness for around five years, during which time she had passed through a medical odyssey of conventional, alternative and strange treatments. She encountered treatments that either didn't work or were dangerous.
Since its launch all those years ago, What Doctors Don't Tell You has been acknowledged as one of the world's very best health newsletters.
It accepts no donations from government bodies, industry groups or companies, but relies for its survival and success only from the subscription income it receives from its many thousands of subscribers around the world.
Its hallmark has been its in-depth research, and hard-won information of a quality that can change lives for the better. It's been cited in law courts, it's been used to encourage doctors to change their treatments, and their filing cabinets are full of testimonials from thousands of people whose lives have been helped by their information.