:: Sweeteners
» Why Sweeteners?
Few of us are willing to closely examine our own behaviour in relationship to sugar. Most of us living in western societies are truly addicted to sugar, and we use it as a form of self medication to temporarily boost our mood and energy.
Refined white sugar is a pleasure drug, it is like dietary crack. The truth is that most of us are so addicted to sugar that we deny our addictions in the same way that a crack or heroin addict might. And yet, when it comes down to it, sugar controls our behaviour. Without our daily dose of sugar at breakfast, lunch and dinner, we suffer withdrawal symptoms and go crazy with moodiness and irritability.
Essentially sugar is a legalised recreational drug that is socially acceptable to consume. And yet, just like other drugs, it destroys our health over time.
It doesn't have to be this way..
Sugar Replacement Therapy
We have sourced a wide range of sugar replacements from the simple to the complex, all naturally sourced and all less damaging to your health.
¦¦ Bob's Best Natural Sweeteners
¦¦ Stevia Products
¦¦ Additional Natural Sweeteners